• What are sex crimes related to object penetration?

    Certain sex crimes in Virginia might not be fully understood by most of society, but they can lead to charges and punishments as significant as rape and other charges. One such act is object sexual penetration. As the phrasing implies, this act involves an object penetrating another person’s labia majora or anus. This object can…

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    Tags: Sex Crimes
    How does the VA juvenile law system handle assault and battery?

    How Does The VA Juvenile Law System Handle Assault And Battery?

    Some juveniles in Virginia get themselves into situations that violate the law and can lead to long-term consequences that can affect them for the rest of their lives. These situations can stem from immaturity, a misunderstanding, or simply acting without thinking. Regardless of the reason, negative implications can result. Assault and battery offenses are examples…

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    Tags: Juvenile Crimes
    Virginia Police Officer Arrested On Drunk Driving Charges

    Virginia Police Officer Arrested On Drunk Driving Charges

    Being arrested on drunk driving charges in Virginia can have numerous ramifications. These can affect a person’s personal and professional life and follow them around, causing significant problems. DUI is taken seriously and state laws try to dissuade drivers from getting behind the wheel after drinking by prescribing harsh penalties including fines, jail time and…

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    Tags: Drunk Driving

    What are the laws regarding prostitution in Virginia?

    Prostitution is illegal across the United States and Virginia is no exception. Taking part in prostitution as a prostitute or customer is against the law. However, while it is known to be illegal, there are many people who are arrested for sex crimes related to the act. They might not realize their behavior is illegal,…

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    Tags: Sex Crimes