• Prescription Fraud Charges In Virginia

    Prescription Fraud Charges In Virginia

    Over the past few years, the abuse of prescription drugs has become a serious problem in the United States. As a result, law enforcement officials have been cracking down on those who unlawfully provide, use or obtain prescription medications in Virginia. Prescription fraud can be a felony and can result in severe consequences.

    According to Virginia law, there are many ways a person can commit prescription fraud. In many cases, a person will use a fake prescription, create a fake prescription or alter a doctor’s prescription to obtain drugs unlawfully. Prescription fraud charges also stem from obtaining or attempting to obtain a prescription drug by concealing a material fact or using a fake name or address. This is fairly common as people will lie to medical professionals about their health condition to get prescription drugs they don’t really need.

    Another way people violate prescription drug laws in Virginia is by contacting a drug manufacturer and making a false claim regarding a drug shipment. For example, they may falsely claim that they did not receive a shipment and request another one. It is also illegal to represent yourself as a drug manufacturer, doctor or other authorized person for the purpose of obtaining prescription drugs.

    If you are convicted of obtaining prescription drugs fraudulently, you could face up to five years in jail and a six-month license suspension. A criminal defense attorney can attempt to help lessen the severity of the charges against you. A conviction on a reduced charge may result in lighter penalties, such as community service, probation and fines.

    Leary Law provides professional and ethical representation to clients accused of a broad spectrum of white collar offenses including prescription fraud, health care fraud, medicare /medicaid fraud and more. Get in touch with us today to schedule your confidential consultation.

    Tags: Drug Charges

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