• Are you facing larceny charges in Virginia? It is critical to understand how larceny charges work in Virginia

    5 Things to Know About Larceny in Virginia

    Are you facing larceny charges in Virginia? It is critical to understand how larceny charges work in Virginia, and to learn more about the specific charges you are facing. No matter what type of larceny charges you are currently facing, you should have an aggressive Virginia criminal defense attorney on your side who can develop…

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    White Collar Crimes

    4 Types of White Collar Crimes Under Virginia Law

    Every year, the Virginia Department of State Police publishes its report on Crime in Virginia, which contains a summary of all types of offenses, arrests, offender demographics, and other information on the crimes that took place in the state during that 12 month period. Though you’re probably familiar with the term “white collar crimes,” you…

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