Charges May Be Filed After High School Football Brawl
Friday night high school football is a popular pastime for many families across Virginia. However, players can sometimes let their emotions get the best of them and end up in a physical altercation (aka a brawl). According to police, at least 20 high school football players ended up in a violent brawl after a football game between two Virginia high schools. After multiple people, including coaches and other players, attempted to break up the fight, police were called to handle the situation. Authorities say that one player was taken to the hospital when a group of people fell on top of him.
According to one witness, two of the players on one team staged a dirty play to take down a player on the other team, who suffered a concussion and was taken to the hospital.
School officials have issued a letter to parents addressing the fight, and stated that any player involved in the fight would be suspended for at least three games. No criminal charges have been filed yet, but police are currently conducting an investigation to determine the next steps. Both schools, as well as the Virginia High School League, are also investigating the matter.
Juvenile violence is often dismissed as harmless and is categorized as “kids being kids.” However, young people should know that a brawl can result in a juvenile criminal offense with severe penalties. A young person in Virginia may face misdemeanor charges for a simple assault and, if convicted, could face up to 12 months in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. More serious forms of juvenile violence could result in felony charges, with a maximum penalty of life in prison and fines of up to $100,000.
If your child is facing criminal charges for juvenile violence, get in touch with Leary Law to discuss your options today.
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