Failure To Pay Your Taxes Can Result In Serious Consequences
Benjamin Franklin once said that nothing in this world was certain, except death and taxes. While most of us have begrudgingly accepted that paying taxes is just a part of life, some people continue to try to avoid paying them at all costs. For that reason, Virginia lawmakers, as well as the Federal government, have cracked down on tax evasion and tax fraud, making them serious crimes with long-term consequences.
Many tax-related crimes fall into one of two categories. The first is filing a false or fraudulent tax return. Many people purposely underreport their income, claim excess deductions, conceal assets, or otherwise attempt to defraud the government to avoid paying the full amount they owe. The second category is intentionally trying to avoid paying taxes by failing to file a tax return altogether.
According to Virginia law, these crimes can result in a criminal investigation conducted by the IRS and criminal penalties of up to one year in prison and/or a fine of up to $2,500. In addition to these criminal consequences, the IRS can also impose civil penalties and you may also be required to pay the full amount you owe, plus interest.
While some people file their returns with the intent to defraud the IRS, many people file their tax returns in good faith but unintentionally make mistakes. Without intent, it is highly unlikely that a person would face criminal charges for fraud. If you have been criminally charged for tax fraud or tax evasion, seeking the assistance of an experienced attorney can be of great help.
If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges for tax fraud or tax evasion, you should seek legal counsel from an experienced and aggresive Fairfax attorney. Schedule your consultation with Leary Law today by sending us a secure message via our website.
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